Ways to Give.
Direct Deposit
Tithes & Offerings
For regular tithes and offerings.
Westpac Bank
Name: Thrive Church Central Coast Incorporated
BSB: 032629
Account: 187315
Build to Thrive
For our ‘Build to Thrive’ account.
Westpac Bank
Name: Thrive Church Central Coast Incorporated
BSB: 032629
Account: 268254
Reach Mission
To give directly to mission.
Westpac Bank
Name: Thrive Church Central Coast Incorporated
BSB: 032629
Account: 295594
Thrive Church is a not-for-profit organisation governed by a board. They are responsible for the management of all the affairs of the church. The church’s financial records and systems are audited regularly and financial statements lodged with the appropriate regulatory bodies. Strict internal controls are applied to the handling and management of finances. The church works to a budget agreed to by the board at the beginning of each year. Financial performance is reviewed monthly and at each board meeting.